Barbara Meister
“It’s Hightower’s philosophy, go out and scour the countryside, find these folks who are doing these innovative things and bring them into the government structure.
Give them a computer, give them a secretary, give them a travel budget, and say, keep doing what you’re doing. But do it in here, do it throughout the whole state. I remember that being a great model for what government could be. You go out and you find people doing innovative things and bring them those resources of a public agency. He (Hightower) created a model for other progressive politicians to emulate, taking that model and saying, that’s what a government agency could be. Doesn’t have to be stale and boring and stifling and regulating the life out of people. It can be stimulating and provide the necessary support or stimulation to help an industry grow or start or thrive.“
Barbara helped develop TDA’s proposals for 1990 Farm Bill. She compiled policies the other progressive farm organizations were promoting, such as Farmers Union, the National Family Farm Coalition, Prairie Fire, and the Center for Rural Affairs. She served as liaison to WIFE, Women in Farm Economics, made up of progressive women in Lubbock and Amarillo.