Women In Texas History Calendar

Women In Texas History Calendar

In 1976, People’s History in Texas, Inc. created a calendar of Texas women’s history. It was the first of its kind and was rudimentary as the research had to be done using card catalogues and sweeps through old and crinkly newspapers. It was a first and rudimentary effort. But PHIT has digitized the calendar and it is now available on […]

Talkin’ Union (1979)

“Talkin’ Union” is a four-part oral history of four women who organized labor unions in Texas in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s. The women are Alberta Snid, participant in the 1938 Pecan Shellers Strike in San Antonio, the largest strike in the Southwest during this period; Charlotte Graham, leader of the 1935 Dallas garment worker strike and member of the […]